Just posted some video's - Check them out!
Added by Jacque on June 5, 2009 at 15:57 —
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I do he is my hero, everyone should bow down to the OG of all things surf. Im pretty sure he landed a kickflip on a surfboard a few years back, volcom pay him!
Added by Brandon "surf king" Greenbaumb on June 5, 2009 at 8:49 —
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what happened to the vid clip i added last night??!!
Added by Devon James Ramages on June 3, 2009 at 15:44 —
How much fo you buggers hate injuries, i tore my legements in my right leg and im out for 4 weeks, 3 weeks left till i get back, ohh the pain. What to do when what i only do i cant do. #%^&. Listen to good music, watch movies gets old, turn to boogie and surfing vids makes it worse.
Well, study time
Added by Christian Junker on June 3, 2009 at 12:50 —
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Finally i have managed to get some footage uploaded, 'Maldives Part 1' i hope you like.....and keep a close eye, coz there is more on the way....cheers
Added by Jasper Eales on May 31, 2009 at 17:40 —
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I was all amped to go to the SA Champs at St Mkes and get through some heats!
the conditions were quite extreme with gale force onshore, solid swell and a heavy difficult paddle
anyways when it was time for my heat i paddled continuosly in effort to make it too the line up and was unfortunately unsuccesfull! so in the end i got knocked out by guys riding foam in the front as i only paddled and never caught a wave hahahaha
so i might be hitting the gym just to increase paddling…
Added by Philip Visagie on May 31, 2009 at 17:23 —
How crazy is it that all those whales beached longbeach!
This morning i went down to long beach after waking up to storys of seven killer whales to 47 pilot whales beached along long beaches shores. When i finally got down there, the beach was packed with people coming to check the whales. Can anyone tell me what type of whales they were? and what there mission was to beach our shores?
I checked as anyone who owned a wetsuit quickly jumped into the shallow water and attempted to…
Added by Nicholas Preen on May 30, 2009 at 13:02 —
I see a lot of surfers with tattoos today, I happen to like it even if it does keep you out of the water for two weeks. So in honor of this contest Im proposing that if I make it to top ten I will either get a giant Hurley symbol tattoo on my lower back, A dolphin jumping over my belly button, or a tattoo of me surfing a wave and getting shacked (my favorite thing ever). I will let you all decide on the tat if I make it to top ten. Some of you should want me to do it because I will be out of…
Added by Brandon "surf king" Greenbaumb on May 26, 2009 at 23:02 —
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...dont u just love the magic a new board brings... weeeeee... so stoked... thanks mikeeeeeee:)
just wanted to share that... hmmmm... haha..
Added by Kerri Hodgkinson on May 25, 2009 at 21:29 —
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When you lie down the waves look bigger
Added by Christian Junker on May 23, 2009 at 18:54 —
I happen to believe that surfing is still in its infant stage. There is so much room for progression, I myself and working on some new tricks and would love to hear of any new tricks you BRA's are coming up with. I want to push the limits. I think one day everyone will surf on nuclear powered hover sharks. If anyone else has cool ideas of where we should progress let me know and I will tell the head of hurley when I win this contest. Another idea I had was inflatable boardshorts to prevent…
Added by Brandon "surf king" Greenbaumb on May 21, 2009 at 4:42 —
here I am ...rather late than never...if I had my way I would have loaded my profile ages ago...but being my own sponsor I need to work to buy boards and go on surf trips so time has been limited....thanks to Hurley for creating this opportunity......time to get back to work.....
Added by Andrew Coultas on May 19, 2009 at 9:34 —
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Hey guys uploaded some sick footage of dungeons over the weekend. Some monsters coming through along with a heavy wipeout. filmed from the sentinal.
Do any of you oh's rate the swell was a little over rated? Even though checking some crazy beasts come through yesterday, i thought it'd be bigger?
Peace. also uploaded some footage of summer Llandudno.check it out.
Added by Nicholas Preen on May 18, 2009 at 16:11 —
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Last coupla vids posted on the Shootout have been great. Especially like Chris Bond's Elands switch foot – back to goofy – forehand air was! Ewald’s Derde’s footage is epic! The Jackal has finally loaded some pic's too - nice!
Later all,
Added by Brandon Bradley on May 18, 2009 at 13:12 —
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hello all...
so i was browsing through the net a few days ago and found some truly amazing pics taken by clark little (brock little's brother, the big wave surfer). there are some mad barrels shots which make the wave look completely motionless, some almost like glass. i am not trying to promote his site in any way but his pics are insane.
here's the link to his website http://www.clarklittlephotography.com/
im sure this will keep you occupied for a while seeing as you surf...…
Added by Deen Hill on May 18, 2009 at 12:32 —
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Woke up crack of dawn with my 7'3 in the back of the bakkie. thought it was gonna be on like donkey kong but the swell hasnt wrapped in yet, aaarrrggh. later!?
Added by Brian Hope on May 17, 2009 at 10:28 —
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Hey everyone i dont wanne be douche, but this contest should be for people who havent had a mainstream sponsor like hurly. So give some fresh new talent a chance cause your time is over.peace
Added by Jurie Van Staden on May 16, 2009 at 12:27 —
wazzup my names jurie. i come from strand where the waves are ....alright i guess but its sick that hurly having this contest checking out fresh talent.. peace
Added by Jurie Van Staden on May 16, 2009 at 11:28 —
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hey im 18 years old from strand beach somerset west..
i matriculated last year from parel vallei high and took a gap year this year and hoping to study a Bcom next year at uct.
I started surfing at the age of 12 and pretty much kept on surfing from then till now around strand and falsebay.
i ride a 6'0 baron
Added by Devon James Ramages on May 15, 2009 at 10:08 —
Who surfed strand on sunday during the comp?
It was like one of the busiest days in a while! but nogals a cool vibe of ampedness and a huge copetitiveness
Thanx to you guys that took part! it should help get strand some more recognition!
Added by Devon James Ramages on May 14, 2009 at 18:01 —