Choices,Goal setting and a bit of that.....

Humanity, religion, adventure, integrity, sharing, giving, taking and the biggest one of all loving are just a few things in life that allow us to embark on such radical paths.

Life’s short journeys can lead you into some crazy situations, on one day you on top of the world going mental in indo and the next you six foot under. The experiences and adventures you choose to except and take apart of, are what’s going to determine your life’s purpose, and in a weird way a level of life for others. “The Ripple effect”

Surfing has always had that “beach bum" "smoke dope" stigma and trust me there are quite a few guys that still strongly believe in that regime. When we all started surfing it was always in my opinion to have fun and be accepted in a community "a freedom world" that sometimes so vastly misunderstood. No one tells you that you have to surf well or go on that specific wave or do it that way. Those choices you make all on your own you either decide that you going to push the levels or you decide you going to enjoy the unity of the life style. Keep in mind that the choices you make often effect a vast majority of people around you.

Pushing personal levels I believe are the ultimate goals. You have to have a goal in life to push towards and once achieved, resetting the bar line to push further. These are some of the few things that I feel are surfer’s greatest achievements. As a surfer we are always pushing marks, ridding your first wave, doing some crazy rodeo flip or even riding monster waves. Yes some levels are set high especially now days but that’s why we need to relook, restructure and push the bar even higher.

Life is the greatest adventure of all. Enjoy the company of others, Treat others how you want to be treated and most of all achieve the unachievable!!!

Adventures to follow.........

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Comment by Bradwyn van der vyver on April 13, 2009 at 21:02
Just saying it like it is. Hope it made you think...
Comment by Jerome Mosetic on April 13, 2009 at 13:34
Deep stuff Brad.....



Cannot upload

Hey hiI am having a problem.I log in fine.. but as soon as i choose the upload option i get a red triangle in the address bar and i cannot upload images. Am told that it is ani secure sight. How can…Continue

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J Bay Point

Waves have been really good this last week at Point - not small either "LOCALS ONLY"Continue

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Camera Lens 1 Reply

Hey guys .I'm looking at getting a new lens for my camera , something ideal for quality crisp pics , but something at a reasonable price #studentlife!Any suggestions??Thanks!Continue

Started by Carla Voigt. Last reply by Geecee Jul 10, 2018.


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