June 2009 Blog Posts (16)

West coast

Aahh sick to see a west coast on the top (Ewald van Heerden)....think it’s the couple of turns I had on your video clip...ha-ha...seriously, stoked to see the West coast representing...check out the pics from my recent day trip up the west coast on beautiful work day...

Added by Andrew Coultas on June 29, 2009 at 17:36 — No Comments

girl in the barrel:)

check out my latest pics... pretty cool huh.. getting me amped for indo this week:) woop woop!

Added by Kerri Hodgkinson on June 28, 2009 at 22:09 — No Comments

WordPress Blogg

Howsit everyone

I have setup up a blog through wordpress.com and I hope to share some thoughts/experiences/rambles with anyone who is interested in surf/travel


Here is the link and keep eye open for once/twice week updates over the course of next few months



Added by Jerome Mosetic on June 22, 2009 at 11:41 — No Comments

better late than never??

sup folks , i entered this competition late (too late it seems ) and im wondering how da hell am i gna catch up to da top okes!?.....
i havent even passed the thousand point marker yet!! but i guess all we can do is try...:|
i just wana know if you guys think its possible for us bottom feeders(haha) to catch up to the top dogs???!!.....and is this competition gna be here next year again??
thanx , jj

Added by JJ Rattey on June 21, 2009 at 18:43 — No Comments

!!new videos!!

watsup guys , posted a new video last night so---go check it out!
im lacking in photos i know , but hopefully gna sort that out soon. HOPEFULLY
anyway , gna put a new video up on tuesday so keep an eye out for it :)

Added by JJ Rattey on June 19, 2009 at 20:44 — 1 Comment


Howsit everyone.....I have now left S.A for my mission but I had the best time ever in South Africa. I miss it more than ever and cant wait to get back from my travels in December.

I am looking forward to the upcoming months and getting back into boardies I am currently having a website built for my photography passion and will post the link on this site in a few weeks. I will also be starting a Blog thru wordpress and If any of you are interested to hear my stories or rambles as I… Continue

Added by Jerome Mosetic on June 17, 2009 at 17:29 — 1 Comment

New swell is on the way!!!!!!!

Good day guys,

A new swell is on the way, for those that do not know, im curently il Lagos,Nigeria.

Charts have gon Crazy this side of the world, and usualy does not happent that often.

We are looking at 6 to 8 maybe 10ft swells at an unbelivable period and no wind in sight or maybe just a light off shore.

The Sopt we are likely to surf is Tarkqua Bay, but depending on how really big it gets we might have some tow-in options on some of the outside sand bank at the entrance… Continue

Added by John Micheletti on June 17, 2009 at 16:30 — No Comments

New Board!

I just received my new board today! Stoked!!! And the best thing of all, it's a Spowy! Yes everybody, he is back... Give him a call if want one... or five - Spowy 082 307 5400

Added by Jacque on June 17, 2009 at 12:48 — No Comments

Indo guys

I don't wanna sound crazy or something but if one the guys that have so much footage of indo wins it's gonna be such a bummer cause I think the guy who wins should have never been there and totally rip here in SA anyone can look good in Indo. Just think that it should be like the best experience for the winner that has never been there , other than a guy thats been there like nine times!!! Hope to see more more footage of the best surf paradise in the world SA!!!!!!!

Added by Phillip Venter on June 13, 2009 at 20:17 — No Comments

Waves again!

Normally I wouldn't complain... BUT
Everyday this week I have driven past Llandudno on the way to work to find it is going off! I think Cape Town hates me... So just a heads up, there are waves today! And where am I, sitting at work!!!

Added by Jacque on June 12, 2009 at 9:55 — 10 Comments


Sittin at work wishing i could surf and get footage for every1.You no the feelin!aaaaaaaarghhhhh!!!!!bn way too long.
Hopefully ill have somethin for every1 to look at soon

Added by Ramon Jason Tavenor on June 11, 2009 at 12:58 — No Comments

Mission for today

Gonna surf a few times, get footage, edit it and have it up tonight.

Added by Brian Hope on June 10, 2009 at 9:21 — 1 Comment

Video's Added

Just posted some video's - Check them out!

Added by Jacque on June 5, 2009 at 15:57 — No Comments

Who loves John Peck?

I do he is my hero, everyone should bow down to the OG of all things surf. Im pretty sure he landed a kickflip on a surfboard a few years back, volcom pay him!

Added by Brandon "surf king" Greenbaumb on June 5, 2009 at 8:49 — No Comments

what happened to the vid clip i added last night??!!

what happened to the vid clip i added last night??!!

Added by Devon James Ramages on June 3, 2009 at 15:44 — 3 Comments


How much fo you buggers hate injuries, i tore my legements in my right leg and im out for 4 weeks, 3 weeks left till i get back, ohh the pain. What to do when what i only do i cant do. #%^&. Listen to good music, watch movies gets old, turn to boogie and surfing vids makes it worse.
Well, study time

Added by Christian Junker on June 3, 2009 at 12:50 — No Comments



Cannot upload

Hey hiI am having a problem.I log in fine.. but as soon as i choose the upload option i get a red triangle in the address bar and i cannot upload images. Am told that it is ani secure sight. How can…Continue

Started by christopher Aug 29, 2019.

J Bay Point

Waves have been really good this last week at Point - not small either "LOCALS ONLY"Continue

Started by Mouse Billson Aug 24, 2019.

Camera Lens 1 Reply

Hey guys .I'm looking at getting a new lens for my camera , something ideal for quality crisp pics , but something at a reasonable price #studentlife!Any suggestions??Thanks!Continue

Started by Carla Voigt. Last reply by Geecee Jul 10, 2018.


You are responsible for the photos and videos you submit to Shot Bru. If you didn’t take the shot yourself, or make the video, get permission from the owner first. If you’ve got your eyes on a Shot Bru prize or a spot in the pages of the main mag, please upload to Shot Bru before sending your photos on Facebook and other surfing websites cyber rounds. Fresh photos get priority for prizes and print. Finally, by loading image(s) onto Shot Bru you are granting Zigzag permission to feature your image(s) in the magazine, on the website and across our social media platforms free of charge.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you are posting a pic of a secret / semi-secret spot or a sensitive location, DO NOT say where it is. Shot Bru is for sharing photos and stoke. Not for exposing secret spots. The administrator reserves the right to change the description or nuke the shot if you don’t comply.

If you are going to upload photos of secret or very sensitive surf spots. Be vague about the location, or better yet flat out lie. We're okay with either.

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Just learned how to turn but I know I need a bigger wave and a better photograph to be put inside of the zigzag mag
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Riccardo Walter Fabris posted photos
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Riccardo Walter Fabris posted photos
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Riccardo Walter Fabris posted photos
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Riccardo Walter Fabris posted photos
Sep 21, 2023
Riccardo Walter Fabris posted photos
Sep 21, 2023



by chris clarke kelly slater riding off into the sunset

2018_MG_9806 Copryright Neil Hellerle (Neil H Photography)

by Neil H Photography Dan Redman Sequence 1.


by Craggi Kreations Kenny Andrews

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